Making connections is one of the processes listed in the Western Canadian Protocol documents, the BC curriculum documents (IRP’s), and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) documents. It is critical that students make connections between the different strands of mathematics (e.g., number, algebra, geometry, data) as well as make connections to mathematics in the real world.
High school and middle school math teachers are often looking for ways that they can help students connect math to real-life situations. In this blog post Patrick Honner provides some ideas for making such connections. He suggests things like mathematically modeling mortgages, redoing recipes, looking at Olympic records, examining population growth, and solving for stocks. The ideas are clearly not new, but maybe the article can remind you of a project you have done before or inspire you to take on a new one.
click here for link to article
How are you making math “real” for your students?
Mathematically yours,